1 ONLINE GAMING PHENOMENA IN THE SOCIAL LIFE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF HERBERT BLUMER Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Irenius Selsus Rengat Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Malang Paulinus Sarif Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Malang Andi Prayoga Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Malang Young People Are Very Familiar To Online Games Today. It Is Indicated By The Large Number Of Young People Who Spend Their Time Just Playing Online Games, Thus Affecting Their Social Life. The Behavior Of Todays Children Are Not Concerned With Their Environment, But Focus On Social Media And Online Games. The Present Research Discusses The Influence Of Online Games On The Social Interaction Among Young People From The Perspective Of Symbolic Interactionism According To Hebert Blumer. The Research Method Was Qualitative. The Data Were Collected Using Interviews (involving 4 Subjects) And Literature Studies. The Research Found Out That The Young People In St. Parish. Pius X Bengkayang Were Not Addicted To Playing Online Games, Online Games, But They Just Killed Their Spare Time. They Did Within The Normal Limit In Playing Online Games. Thus, Their Social Interaction With Others Is Still Acceptable. Social Interaction Is Important For Every Human Being, To Communicate With Others. This Is A Requirement In Symbolic Interactionism According To Hebert Blumer, Namely That There Is A Relationship Between The Individual And The Community. More 2022
2 THE SOCIAL ASPECTS AND VALUES OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN PIPIET SENJA NOVEL SKETSA RASA: STUDY OF LITERATURE SOCIOLOGY Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Salma Hanifah Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Adab dan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta Ferdi Arifin Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Adab dan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta This Study Aims To Describe The Social Aspects And Values Of Character Education Studied By The Literature Sociology According To Ian Watt In The Novel Sketch Of Taste By Pipiet Senja. The Present Research Applied A Qualitative Descriptive Method. The Data Were Collected Using A Non-interaction Technique, That Is, Reviewing Documents And Archives. This Research Was Conducted In 6 Months, From July To December. The Present Study Found Out The Social Aspects In The Form Of Custom, Family, Work And Education And The Values Of Character Education In The Form Of Religious Values, Moral Values, Independent Values, Complex Work Values, Creative Values, Democratic Values, Communicative Values, And Curiosity Values. It Is Recommended That The Indonesian Language Teachers, Students And Other Researchers Examine The Social And Character Education Values In Literary Works. More 2022
3 THE DESIGN OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM AT THE PROVINCIAL AGENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD CROPS AND HORTICULTURE OF WEST KALIMANTAN Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Fauzan Asrin Jurusan Informatika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura Maswadi Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura The Agricultural Products Of Food Crops And Horticulture In West Kalimantan Province Need To Be Marketed Or Published To The Broader Community Even Though They Have Great Potential. As The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 4.0 Requires All Areas Of Human Life To Move From Conventional Activities To Digital Activities, A Digitalization Effort Is Urgently Needed To Expand The Marketing Of Agricultural Products. The Agricultural Product Marketing Information System (sirahan) Of The West Kalimantan Food Crops And Horticulture Service Is Here To Respond To The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. This System Was Designed To Promote And Inform Quickly, Precisely And Accurately Existing Agricultural Products And Offer Farming Convenience In The Digital Era To Create A Food-secure Society. The Research Was Conducted Using A Qualitative Descriptive Approach With Literature Studies On Sirahan. The Sirahan Design Is An Information System Business Process That Will Provide Services In Cultivating Food Crops And Horticulture. The System Development Life Cycle Waterfall Method With Unified Modelling Language (uml) Will Help See User Behaviour In Using The Information System. Sirahan Is A Marketplace That Provides Services For All Farming Business Needs. Seeing The Potential Benefits Of Sirahan, Which Are Significant To Support The Expansion Of Marketing Of Various Agricultural Products, The Regional Government, Through The Provincial Agent Of Food Crops And Horticulture Of West Kalimantan, Is Expected To Continue To Develop And Optimize This Information System. More 2022
4 Priority for Skills Development Program for Field Rice Farmers in Sungai Laur District, Ketapang Regency Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Dewi Kurniati Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura Severianus Bito Palar Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura Maswadi Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura This Study Aims To Determine The Priority Of The Skill Development Program For Upland Rice Farmers. This Research Was Conducted In July August 2021 And Is Located In Sungai Laur District, Ketapang Regency. The Method Used In This Study Is A Qualitative Descriptive Method. The Sampling Technique Used Was Purposive Sampling. The Sample Used Consisted Of Farmer Group Leaders, Agricultural Extension Workers, The Department Of Agriculture, Livestock And Plantation (distanakbun) Of Ketapang Regency. Data Collection Was Done By Observation, Interviews, And Distributing Questionnaires. The Data Analysis Technique Used The Analytical Hierarchy Process (ahp) Model With The Help Of Expert Choice 11 Software. The Respondents Were 16 Farmers, The Head Of The Farmer Group, 2 Agricultural Extension Workers, And The Head Of Agricultural Extension From The Distanakbun Ketapang Regency. This Study Resulted That The Mechanized/modern Land Management Program Was A Priority Program For Developing The Skills Of Upland Rice Farmers In Sungai Laur District. More 2022
5 MAINTAINING LOCAL IDENTITY IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION THROUGH THE ART STUDIO OF BOUGENVILLE Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Jagad aditya dewantara Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, Universitas Tanjungpura Ega Nur Cahya Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, Universitas Tanjungpura Sulistyarini Pendidikan Pancasila dan kewarganegaraan, Universitas Tanjungpura Efriani Program studi Antropologi, universitas Tanjungpura Shilmy Purnama Pendidikan Pancasila dan kewarganegaraan, universitas Tanjungpura Afandi pendidikan biologi, universitas Tanjungpura This Study Aims To Determine How The Bougenville Studio Maintains The Local Identity In The Era Of Globalization. The Research Is Qualitative With Case Study Method. The The Subjects Of This Study Were The Head Of The Bougenville Studio, The Trainer Of The Bougenville Studio, The Students Of The Bougenville Studio And The Community. The Data Were Collected Through Observation, Interviews, And Documentation. The Data Were Analyzed Using Data Reduction, Data Presentation, And Drawing Conclusions. The Results Showed That The Bougenville Studio Applies A Strategy In Keeping Students Safe And Maintaining The Local Identity. The Regular Training Programs And Level Ups Are Included In The Studio Curriculum. However, In This Bougenville Studio, The Local Culture Is Instilled, Or Focuses More On The Regional Culture, Namely Malay. However, It Does Not Make The Students Of The Bougenville Studio Experience An Ethnocentric Attitude. Bougenville Studio Is Able To Defend. All Citizens Uphold Civic Culture Values Such As Solidarity, Tolerance, Active Involvement And Responsibility More 2022
6 THE ATTENDANCE OF THE HEALTH ADVISORS IN THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Muhammad Sultan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda The Cases Of Work Accidents And Occupational Diseases Are Still Experienced By The Informal Workers Today And Have Become A Crucial Challenge In Indonesia. Bpjs Recorded 61,805 Work Accident Cases From January To March 2022; Around 60% Of Them Were The Workers In The Informal Sector. So, The Workers In The Informal Sector Experienced More Work Accidents. The Attendance Of The Health Advisors For Various Tasks And Functions Needs Special Attention. Writing A Literature Review Is Used As A Basis. It Reinforces The Ideas Of Researchers In Describing The Reasons Why The Attendance Of Health Advisors Is Required In The Health Centers Legally, Economically, Socially, Culturally, And Technically. The Present Research Shows That The Essential Factors In The Existence Of Health Advisors Are Influenced By Moral, Economic, Legal Reasons, The Characteristics Of The Community In The Local Area, And The Challenges Of Collaboration In Implementing Occupational Health Effort Posts. In Addition, It Is Imperative To Present Competent And Professional Health Advisors To Prevent Work Accidents And Improve The Health Status Of The Informal Workers Optimally And Sustainably. Therefore, The Collaboration Is Needed Between Local Governments Through Puskesmas, Employers, And Informal Workers To Carry Out Inventories, Workload Analysis, And Fulfillment Of Occupational Health And Safety Human Resources In Each Health Centre More 2022
7 THE THE URGENCY OF LABORATORY SCHOOL FOR INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF AN INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN KALIMANTAN BARAT Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Fitri Darsini Abassuni Dewan Pendidikan Kalimantan Barat Kristianus Dewan Pendidikan Kalimantan Barat Eusabinus Bunau Dewan Pendidikan Kalimantan Barat Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Berkait Erat Dengan Pembangunan Sistem Pendidikan Yang Inklusif. Masih Sangat Jarang Ditemukan Satuan-satuan Pendidikan Di Kalimantan Barat Yang Sudah Menerapkan Sistem Pendidikan Inklusif Yang Berpusat Kepada Kebutuhan Peserta Didik. Penyebabnya Adalah Belum Terpetakannya Pemahaman Para Pemangku Kepentingan Bidang Pendidikan Di Kalimantan Barat Tentang Pendidikan Inklusif Sebagai Sebuah Sistem Beserta Potensi Dan Kendala Implementasinya. Kurangnya Pengetahuan Hingga Kesalahan Persepsi Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Inklusif Mengakibatkan Minimnya Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Yang Fleksibel, Terdiferensiasi Dan Kolaboratif Sebagaimana Dimaksud Dalam Konsep Merdeka Belajar. Kajian Ini Bersifat Deskriptif Yang Dirancang Untuk Menggambarkan Urgensi Sekolah Laboratorium Dan Pengembangan Inovasi Sistem Pendidikan Inklusif Di Kalimantan Barat. Dengan Menggunakan Metode Focus Group Discussion (fgd) Secara Daring Dan Luring, Kajian Ini Melibatkan Purposive Respondent Yang Terdiri Dari Kepala Daerah Dan/atau Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, Kepala Sekolah Dan Guru Di 13 Kabupaten/kota Di Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian Ini Menemukan Bahwa Sekolah Laboratorium (lab School) Di Kalimantan Barat Yang Menerapkan Budaya Dan Model Pembelajaran Terdiferensiasi Dan Berpusat Pada Murid Sangat Perlu (urgent) Untuk Ditingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikannya. Dewan Pendidikan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Merekomendasikan Dibentuknya Lab School Sebagai Lembaga Kajian Dan Pengembangan Inovasi Sistem Pendidikan Inklusif Di Kalimantan Barat Untuk Merealisasikan Kolaborasi Pemerintah Pusat Dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Dalam Melayani Keberagaman Peserta Didik Dan Percepatan Peningkatan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (ipm) Di Kalimantan Barat. More 2022
8 THE POTENTIAL TOURISM OF RIAM SEBULUH IN BENGKAYANG CITY FOR THE COMMUNITY ECONOMY IMPROVEMENT Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Sabinus Beni Institut Shanti Bhuana Blasius Manggu Institut Shanti Bhuana Yeremia Niaga Atlantika Institut Shanti Bhuana Usman Institut Shanti Bhuana The Research Aimed To Find Out The Structuring Activities That Have Been Carried Out And The Planned Activities To Be Carried Out By The Local Government And Landowners In Maximizing The Potentials Of Tourism In The City Center Of Bengkayang, Bengkayang Regency. It Was A Descriptive, Qualitative Study. The Present Research Was Conducted In The Sebalo Village, Bengkayang District. The Data Were Collected Through Direct Visits To The Field And In-depth Interviews With The Key Informants, The Landowners, The Surrounding Communities, And The Local Governments. The Result Of The Study Showed That There Had Been No Arrangement Activities At The Locations Around Riam Sebuluh. The Intervention Of The Local Government Was Not Identified As An Effort To Preserve The Environment Of Riam Sebuluh Located In The Centre Of Bengkayang City. The Local Government Did Not Concern The Importance Of Protecting The Environment From The Pollution Of The Sebalo River In Bumi Emas Village, Bengkayang District, Where The Water Was Previously Clear And Became The Pride Of The Bengkayang People, And Are Now Turning Into Very Dirty. This Condition Needs To Get The Attention Of All Parties, Especially The Local Government, Through The Policy Interventions So That The Community Remains And Obeys In Maintaining The Environment By Not Polluting The Watershed Through Waste Disposal Or Gold Mining Without A Permit. More 2022
9 THE BUSINESS FEASIBILITY OF TILAPIA CULTIVATION "AKI DALANG" IN JANGKANG DISTRICT, SANGGAU REGENCY Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Dewi Kurniati Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura Eggi Anugriansyah Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura Erlinda Yurisinthae Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura Freshwater Fish That Are Of Interest To The General Public Are Tilapia. They Have A Relatively High Protein, Consisting Of 55,58% Wet Protein And 15,41% Dry Protein. It Makes Tilapia One Of The Potential Fish To Be Cultivated And Can Be An Income Source. Therefore, It Is Necessary To Do The Feasibility Study On Tilapia Cultivation. This Study Aims To Analyze The Feasibility Of Tilapia Cultivation (a Case Study Of Aki Dalangs Tilapia Farming Business In Jangkang District, Sanggau Regency). The Research Was Conducted At The Aki Dalang Business In Sape Village, Jangkang District, Sanggau Regency, Involving Four Respondents From Aki Dalangs Business And Three From Outside Aki Dalangs Business. The Collected Data Were Analyzed Using The R/c Ratio And B/c Ratio. The Results Showed That The Aki Dalang Tilapia Cultivation Business Was Feasible To Develop Because The R/c Ratio Showed > 1, I. E. R/c > 6.04. And The Aki Dalang Tilapia Cultivation Business Is Profitable To Develop Because The B/c Ratio Shows > 1, Namely The B/c Ratio Of 5.04. It Is Recommended That The Government Issue A Policy In Assisting Waterwheel Technology To Improve The Pond Water Quality For Seed-stocking Increase. More 2022
10 ZOOPLANKTON BIODIVERSITY IN PELAPIS ISLAND, KAYONG UTARA DISTRICT Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Dahlia Wulan Sari Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Barat, Achis Martua Siregar Jejak Pesisir Nusantara Zooplankton Is An Animal Plankton That Connects Producers And Secondary Consumers In An Aquatic Ecosystem. Data Related To The Condition Of The Waters Of Pelapis Island As One Of The Mariculture Zone In West Kalimantan Is Currently Still Limited. The Zooplankton Community Structure Is One Of The Important Things In The Development Of Mariculture. Therefore, This Study Aims To Present Data Related To The Zooplankton Community Structure In Pelapis Island Waters As The Basis For Developing Mariculture. Sampling Was Carried Out Using A Plankton Net And Preserved Using Lugol. Identification Was Carried Out At The Nahdlatul Ulama University Laboratory, West Kalimantan. The Analysis Was Conducted To Determine The Index Of Diversity, Evenness, And Dominance Of Zooplankton. The Results Showed That The Abundance Of Zooplankton In The Waters Of Pelapis Island Dominated By The Sub-phylum Crustacea And Fish Eggs At 44.051.09% And 35.072.97%, Respectively. The Number Of Genera Found In This Study Was Nine Genera, And 4 Of Them Were Crustaceans. Zooplankton Diversity Showed Moderate To Low Values And High Dominance At Station 8. More 2022
11 Slum Area Arrangement on the Pinyuh River Border Mempawah Regency Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Franciscus Xaverius Moan Bura Sungai pinyuh village is the most densely populated urban area in mempawah regency. The relatively rapid development of urban areas has resulted in urban physical development becoming uncontrollable. This is also experienced in the trade and service sectors, namely the use of space that is not ideal in this urban area. The utilization of river borders in the form of shops is a problem in terms of aesthetics, safety, comfort, and disruption of the function of river borders as protected areas. This study aims to obtain a strategy in dealing with slum areas on the river border. The method used in this research is qualitative-descriptive. Obtaining data by means of observation, interviews, literature studies and related regulations. The method for analyzing the data is qualitative swot. The results of this study are that the area is not suitable for settlement or trade and service activities, and it is more recommended to restore its function as a river border protected area. More 2022
12 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PELAYANAN BIDANG SOSIAL TERKAIT PENANGANAN MASALAH GANGGUAN JIWA Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik aris tristanto Yunilisiah Universitas Bengkulu Tamrin Bangsu Universitas Bengkulu Peneliti ini menggunakan perspektif implementasi problems approach yang diperkenalkan oleh edwards iii pada tahun 1984. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan. Adapun dalam pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian maka diketahui bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh dinsos p2kbp3a kota padang panjang berjalan cukup efektif. Apabila dilihat dari sumber daya manusia secara kualitas dan kuantitas masih belum mencukupi untuk implementasi pelayanan bidang sosial di luar panti. Pada aspek disposisi, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa semua nya bersikap positif tanpa ada penolakan. Dalam melakukan k pelayanan bidang sosial terkait penanganan masalah gangguan jiwa, dinsos p2kbp3a kota padang panjang belum memiliki sop. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti memberikan saran agar dinsos p2kbp3a kota padang panjang untuk meningkatkan sumber daya manusia serta sumber daya anggaran. Selain itu, peneliti juga menyarankan agar dinsos p2kbp3a kota padang panjang segera membuat sop dalam pemberian pelayanan bidang sosial terkait penanganan masalah gangguan jiwa More 2022
13 STRATEGI PENCEGAHAN KEBAKARAN LAHAN GAMBUT PADA KESATUAN HIDROLOGIS GAMBUT SUNGAI AMBAWANG-SUNGAI KUBU PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARAT Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik rezza permana kusuma juliarsih U. Edi Suryadi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura Novira Kusrini Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura The phenomenon of peatland fires in kubu raya regency occurs continuously every year. The ambawang river-kubu river khg is one of the brg priority target areas in the early stages. Hotspots that fluctuated from 2009 to 2019 indicate that all efforts to prevent and control peatland fires in the kubu raya regency area are still not effective. It is necessary to identify the activities that have been carried out by the community and related parties (stakeholders), internal and external factors, and formulate alternative strategies for preventing peatland fires according to conditions in the ambawang riversungai kubu khg area. Observations were used to collect field conditions at the research site. Swot analysis is used to determine the best strategy that farmers should take to prevent peatland fires. The absence of dams drilled wells and canal blocking, lack of fire extinguishers, poor early warning system, infrequent socialization, and appeals for land fire prevention by the relevant agencies and the newly formed mpa. Prevention of land fires is in the wt strategy, where the recommended strategies are to survive by continuing to do corn farming, conducting various simple experiments to find better ways to harvest corn without burning the land, forming farmer groups as a means of deliberation and exchange of ideas, increasing the role of active farmers in seeking various information related to agriculture and land fire prevention. More 2022
14 THE INFLUENCE OF ADDITIONAL INCOME ON THE PERFORMANCE OF CIVIL SERVANTS IN SIDOARJO DISTRICT GOVERNMENT WITH STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING APPROACH Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Munari Kustanto Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo Fitriyatus Sholihah Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo The governments performance is largely determined by the performance of its civil servants. The provision of additional income is an effort made by a local government to motivate the performance of civil servants in addition to providing education and training. This study aims to examine the effect of giving tppd on the performance of civil servants in the sidoarjo regency government. The present research was a survey with a quantitative approach. The population were all pns receiving tppd from the regency government of sidoarjo the samples were selected using probability sampling with a random sampling method. The data analysis method was structural equation model (sem). The results showed that the provision of tppd had a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants in the sidoarjo regency government. Workload has a negative and significant effect on the performance of civil servants. If the sidoarjo regency government wants the performance of civil servants to be more optimal, then the policy of providing tppd needs to be maintained More 2022
15 PERMODELAN BOD SEBAGAI PARAMETER DAYA TAMPUNG BEBAN PENCEMARAN SUNGAI SAMBAS KECIL MENGGUNAKAN WASP Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik siti febriyanti Magister Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Tanjungpura Gusti Z. Anshari Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura Muhammad Sofwan Anwari Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpua Sungai sambas kecil merupakan bagian dari das sambas yang merupakan kewenangan provinsi, namun sampai saat ini belum ditetapkan daya tampung beban pencemaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi beban pencemar pada kegiatan yang berkontribusi terhadap bod serta mensimulasikan bod sebagai penetapan daya tampung beban pencemar menggunakan water quality analysis simulation programme (wasp). Bod digunakan untuk mengembangkan skenario dalam mengurangi beban pencemar. Inventarisasi dan identifikasi potensi sumber pencemar yang berkonstribusi terhadap bod menggunakan geographic information system (gis) melalui data spasial analisis. Hasil permodelan wasp dibagi menjadi lima segmen. Hanya pada segmen 4 (empat) yang masih dapat menampung beban bod sebesar 65.973,46 kg/hr. Pada segmen 1 (satu) dilakukan penurunan beban sebesar 212,67 kg/hr, segmen 2 (dua) dilakukan penurunan sebesar 34,84 kg/hr, segmen 3 (tiga) dilakukan penurunan sebesar 8.567,47 kg/hr dan segmen 5 (lima) dilakukan penurunan sebesar 72.250 kg/hr. Penurunan beban pencemar bertujuan agar kualitas air sesuai baku mutu kelas ii. Potensi sumber pencemar utama adalah limbah domestik sehingga diperlukan pengolahan limbah komunal dengan membangun ipal komunal, mendirikan bangunan sesuai rencana tata ruang wilayah dan melakukan bersih-bersih sungai dari sampah dan eutrifikasi. More 2022
16 THE FACTORS RELATED TO THE OCCUPATION OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS IN THE WOOD INDUSTRY (PLYWOOD) AT PT. SARI BUMI KUSUMA, KUBU RAYA REGENCY Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik muhammad fahmi fahmi Rosmawati Marpaung Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak Based on initial data on work accident cases in 2017 as many as 40 people, in 2018 as many as 27 people, in 2019 as many as 23 people and the results of initial observations at pt. Sari bumi kusuma, kubu raya regency, in the processing section that has the potential for work accidents, consists of the potential for slipping/falling, falling, colliding, slashed by a knife, pinched by material, stabbed by a material. Injured by a machine with an age range of 18-30 years as many as 38 people and ages 31-56 years as many as 72 people. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of work-related accidents in the wood industry. The research design used was cross sectional with 129 participants. Data collection techniques are interviews using a questionnaire. The technique of data analysis was univariate and bivariate analysis with chi square statistical test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a relationship between age (p = 0.015), work fatigue (p = 0.029), the use of personal protective equipment (p = 0.045) with the occurrence of work-related accidents in the wood industry (plywood) pt. Sari bumi kusuma, kubu raya regency. It is expected for the company to supervise and control the use of ppe in the workplace according to the standards that have been set, for young people 18-30 years old to be employed on the night shift because their physical and health are still good, while for the age 31-56 years they are employed on the day shift. To avoid accidents due to work. More 2021
17 THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT. LESTARI PERSADA ALAM SUBAH BRANCH PT. DARMEX AGRO BENGKAYANG Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Deffrinica This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership on employee performance at pt. Lestari persada alam subah branch pt. Darmex agro bengkayang partially and simultaneously. The method used is descriptive quantitative method. The data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained directly from respondents through the distribution of questionnaires containing a list of statements systematically. Secondary data is data obtained from various references related to this research. The population in this study amounted to 82 respondents using a saturated sampling technique (census). The data analysis used is classical assumptions and simple linear regression analysis using the spss version 16.0 application program. The results showed that there was a significant influence between leadership on employee performance at pt. Lestari persada alam subah branch pt. Darmex agro bengkayang. More 2021
18 ACTUAL POLICY FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN WEST KALIMANTAN Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Purwanto Endang Kristiawati Reni Widyastuti Annurdi Arif Parabi Based on statistical data, there is an increase in the number of tourists visiting west kalimantan. This shows the potential in the tourism sector. The purpose of this study is to find out the form and direction of policy in implementing tourism during the covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach that can provide an overview of conditions naturally and as they are with independent interview analysis tools. The results showed synergy and collaboration between regional managers, local communities, and local governments in conservation management as well as natural tourist destinations. Tourism development really requires development mapping with the support of pentahelix which is integrated and synergized between the provincial government, city/district, village and private sector as well as investors. So that this requires each city/district to make plans which are included in the city/district ripparda, promotional efforts through branding and tourism agendas as well as infrastructure improvement policies More 2021
19 DESIGN OF MANAGEMENT BLOCK TAHURA PANDAN PULOH AS A CONSERVATION AREA IN WEST KALIMANTAN Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Sigit Normagiat 08986142143 / 085752707171 (WA) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3392-8086 Taman hutan raya (tahura) pandan puloh was determined through the decree of the minister of environment and forestry number 196 / menlhk / setjen / pla.2 /3 /2019 regarding the change in the main function of the gunung pandan puloh forest reserve area in bengkayang and landak districts of west kalimantan to become tahura that covering an area of 3,923 ha. Based on the minister of environment and forestry regulation number p.76/menlhk-setjen/2015 concerning criteria for national park management zones and management blocks for nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, grand forest parks and nature tourism parks article 9 paragraphs 1,2 and 3 states that there are 7 management blocks in tahura. The management blocks consist of protection blocks, utilization blocks, traditional blocks, rehabilitation blocks, religious/cultural/ historical blocks, custom blocks and collection blocks. Meanwhile, in the design of the management block, it is necessary to refer to the technical instructions issued by the director general of conservation of natural resources and ecosystems number p.11/ksdae/set/ksa.0/9/2016 which is management blocks are determined using a stratified combination method, consisting of an ecological sensitivity analysis and then followed by a gap analysis. Result showed 6 management blocks in the tahura pandan puloh area consisting of protection blocks (2,264.04 ha); rehabilitation block (581.68 ha); collection block (500.74 ha); traditional block (391.27 ha); utilization block (181.37 ha); religion, culture and history block (3.90 ha). Traditional block (391.27 ha); utilization block (181.37 ha); religion, culture and history block (3.90 ha). Traditional block (391.27 ha); utilization block (181.37 ha); religion, culture and history block (3.90 ha), without distinctive block. The management block design can be used as a reference and consideration in long term management planning (rpjp) of tahura pandan puloh. More 2021
20 ANALYSIS OF MICROBIAL AND METAL CONTAMINATION ON ALOE VERA DRINK IN PONTIANAK CITY Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Sukma Ariyani Uray Lusiana Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak Aloe vera products are one of the most popular food souvenirs from pontianak. The existence of microbial and metal contamination in a food product can have a negative impact on health. This study aims to determine whether or not there are microbial and metal contaminants in aloe vera beverage products in the market of pontianak city. The research approach was carried out descriptively with experimental methods through the analysis of contamination and metals in the product samples at the pontianak industrial baristand assorted commodity laboratory. There were 8 samples of aloe vera drinks tested. The results obtained were that from 8 samples of aloe vera drinks tested, there was 1 sample whose total plate count microbial contamination test results (alt) and yeast fungi exceeded the specified quality standards. The test result of microbial contamination parameter coliform and the metal contamination test results show the results that meet the established quality standards. More 2021
21 STANDARDIZATION OF SIMPLICIA AND ETHANOL EXTRACT OF RED GINGER (Zingiber officinale Rosch. var rubrum) FROM KUBU RAYA PEATLAND, WEST BORNEO Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Heru Agus Cahyanto Red ginger (zingiber officinale rosch. Var rubrum) is a medicinal raw material widely used in traditional medicinal industry. The standardization of red ginger is carried out to ensure the quality of raw materials for traditional medicine. This study was conducted to determine the quality of red ginger planted on peatlands in kubu raya regency, west kalimantan by setting specific and non-specific parameters based on the indonesian herbal pharmacopoeia. Spesific parameters such organoleptic determined by senses, solubility by gravimetri and chemical content by tlc profile. The results showed that red ginger simplicia had a yield of 10.9%, loss on drying 9.5%, total ash 12,62%, acid insoluble ash 2.23%, water soluble extract 21.96% and ethanol soluble extract 9.33%. The red ginger ethanol extract had a yield of 9.52%, water content 10.2%, total ash content of 1.24%, and acid insoluble ash content of 0.83%. Tlc results on red ginger simplicia contained eugenol compound More 2021
22 THE EFFECT OF COUNSELLING METHODS ON KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ABOUT HAZARDS OF SMOKE FOR HEALTH (Study to Muhammadiyah High School Students in Sintang Regency) Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Elvi Juliansyah Forest and land fires cause an increase in pollutants due to smoke from forest fires that are harmful to health, especially causing ari. This study was to determine the effect of health education on the dangers of smoke on the knowledge and attitudes of students at sma muhammadiyah sintang. The research applied quantitative method with a pre-experimental approach, one group pre-test and post-test. The research sample was taken using the convenience sample technique. The results showed that the education on the dangers of smog for health could increase the students knowledge by 5.51 from 30.69, to 36.20. The results of the t-test obtained p value = 0.046 statistically; there was a significant difference in knowledge. Counseling on the dangers of smog for health reduced the positive attitude of students by 1.62 from 35.64 to 34.02. The results of the t-test obtained p value = 0.027, meaning that there was a statistically significant difference in attitudes. In conclusion, the counseling can be carried out continuously in a planned manner so that the students knowledge about the risks of exposure to smoke haze and the student attitudes support the health education programs. More 2021
23 THE INFLUENCE OF THE LOCAL ENDORSERS CREDIBILITY ON COSMETIC ADVERTISEMENTS AND CONSUMER BUYING INTEREST Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik alvi rahmania Fadli Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak The credibility of local endorsers is one of the factors to rely on the truth of the message that the advertisers convey, whose ad targets are local people. Cosmetics advertisements are a means of communication for products delivered through social media to attract the consumer buying interest. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the local endorsers credibility on cosmetic advertisement affected the consumers buying interest. This research was a survey. The sample comprised 92 respondents, year-11 students of sma negeri 1 sungai raya kepulauan, bengkayang regency, west kalimantan, selected using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected with a google form delivered through online access, and they were analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that the significance value of the local endorser credibility variable (x) on the cosmetic advertising variable (y1) in the coefficients table was 0.000 <0.05 and the count value was 8.768> 1.990, and the influence of the local endorser credibility variable on the cosmetics advertising variable was 46.0. %, categorized sufficient, while the result of the local endorser credibility variable test (x) on the purchase intention variable (y2) was significant 0.000 <0.05 and count of 4.170> 1.990, and the influence of the variable was 16.2%, categorized low but definite. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence of local endorsers credibility on cosmetic advertising and consumer buying interest. More 2021
24 THE INFLUENCE OF A SMART-FREE DRUG CALENDER MEDIA ON KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE IN MAKING A GEMA CERMAT Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik aura badarul Fadli Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak Along with changes in the lifestyle of people who tend to pay less attention to health, disease development in the community is inevitable. Providing education about medicine through smart calendars to the public can overcome this problem. Calendar is designed to improve thinking skills and stimulate adolescents thinking, including concentrating and solving problems against changes in knowledge and action. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of innovative calendar media for learning over-the-counter drugs on knowledge and attitudes in realizing the intelligent community movement using drugs. Were conducted this research with a quantitative survey method by collecting data via a google form. The sampling method uses probability sampling with a simple random sampling technique. Sampling was conducted on 140 adolescents at sma negeri 1 kendawangan, then obtained a sample of 116 respondents. Data analysis used the kolmogorov-smirnov test for normality, wilcoxon test for hypothesis testing of knowledge and attitudes. The level of confidence used is 95%. The results showed an increase in the number of respondents between the pre-test and post-test. With an asymp. Sig (2-tailed) value on knowledge and attitude of 0.000. So it can be concluded that there is an effect of using free drug calendar media on the inside and attitudes of class xi students of sma negeri 1 kendawangan. More 2021
25 VILLAGE PROGRESS BY VILLAGE DEVELOPING INDEX IN MEMPAWAH REGENCY Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Franciscus Xaverius Moan Bura The village progress and independence status status is a measure of village classification to determine interventions, both budgets and village development policies. This study described the status of village progress and independence based on the village developing index (vdi) in mempawah regency from 2018 to 2020, namely to describe the condition of village status and village independence and identify the causes of the changes. The data were collected from the official documents and the interviews with relevant informant. The data were analyzed deductively. Referring to the village developing index in mempawah regency, the status of village progress and independence has improved in social, economic, and ecological aspects/environmental resilience. This increase was mainly marked by the emergence of several villages with advanced and independent idm status. More 2021
26 DETERMINANT FACTORS ON CLEAN AND HEALTHY LIVING BEHAVIOR AT THE HOUSEHOLD SCALE IN MENDALOK VILLAGE, SUNGAI KUNYIT SUB-DISTRICT, MEMPAWAH REGENCY Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik muhammad fahmi fahmi Clean and healthy living behavior (phbs) is an effort to provide a learning experience or create a condition for individuals, families, groups and communities. The present study was designed to examine the determinants of clean and healthy living behaviour on a household scale in mendalok village, sungai kunyit district, mempawah regency. It was a quantitative approach involving a sample of 175 people selected by proportional random sampling. The data were collected using questionnaires and checklist sheets. They were analysed using chi-square statistical test. The research found that the variables related to clean and healthy living behaviour were knowledge (p-value = 0.006), attitude (p-value = 0.022), counseling (p-value = 0.001) and education (p-value = 0.032). To promote phbs, routine counselling was required at least once a month, providing motivation, concrete examples, and support for the community to change clean and healthy living behaviour such as running environmental hygiene competitions and cooperation activities. More 2021
27 Education 4.0: The Role of Knowledge Transfer in Improving Business in Bengkayang Regency, Border Area Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Priska Vasantan The purpose of this study was to describe the role of knowledge transfer in the education that can improve business in bengkayang regency. Information management is one of the things that must be faced by disadvantaged areas, especially in industrial revolution 4.0. Bengkayang regency is one of the areas directly adjacent to malaysia so that there are many cross-border businesses. In the era of this industrial revolution, the government has a 4.0 making indonesia program, namely making indonesia becomes the 10th largest economist in the world. One of the factors to improve is the quality of human resources. However, the quality of human resources in bengkayang regency was is very low due to the poor education quality. This research was conducted using a phenomenological qualitative method with observation and in-depth interviews. The informants were elementary school students studying in year 4, 5, 6. They studied in the village of tampe and 4 students in shanti bhuana (isb) institute located in bengkayang. The results showed that the quality of human resources was strongly influenced by the quality of education and the quality of education was strongly influenced by the knowledge transfer process implemented in schools More 2020
28 PERAN BPJS KESEHATAN PADA PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI MONTERADO STUDI TERHADAP IBU HAMIL Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Deffrinica The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of welfare of pregnant women before and after obtaining bpjs for health services. The research was a qualitative descriptive approach. It applied a focus group discussion (fgd) and structured interviews with a questionnaire. The samples were 24 pregnant women from the village of goa boma. The results showed that most pregnant women got the benefits of health services for giving birth and its recovering. Having this bpjs health service, they could save the costs the medical examination and childbirth. These unpaid costs could be allocated for other household needs and / or to meet the needs of the baby who was just born. Even though they were treated in the second and third class, they calimed that the services were acceptable. Class of health services they get is second and third class. More 2020
29 KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS MALARIA KNOWLESI: A CASE STUDY AT SENANING VILLAGE, KETUNGAU HULU SUBDISTRICT SINTANG DISTRICT Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Djalika Z Malaria knowlesi was confirmed as an endemic zoonosis in malaysian borneo in 2004. The molecular analysis showed that 58% of malaria cases in sarawak, malaysia were caused by p. Knowlesi. Because senaning village, ketungau hulu subdistrict, sintang regency lies at the border with sarawak, malaysia, it is potential for this village to have a disease transmission from sarawak. This study aimed to describe the knowledge and attitudes of the community towards malaria knowlesi. It was also designed to describe the respondent characteristics of senaning village, ketungau hulu subdistrict, sintang regency. This study was an observational descriptive study. The sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The instrument was a questionnaire with sample size of 93 respondents. The result of this study indicated that highest proportion of respondents were male (51.61%), early adult age group 26-35 years (26.88%), graduated from college (34.41%), and farmers/laborers (34.41%). The research respondents had a moderate level of knowledge (49,5%) and attitude (68,8%). More 2020
30 THE RISK FACTORS OF TODDLERS’ STUNTING EVENTS WITHIN THE WORKING AREA OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE IN KELURAHAN KAPUAS KANAN HULU, SUNGAI DURIAN, SINTANG REGENCY Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Elvi Juliansyah Chronic stunting or malnutrition refers to the form of growth failure. The short and the very short size of ones body indicate nutritional status based on the body length index by age (pb / u) or the body height index by age (tb / u) which is synonymous to the terms stunted (short) and severely stunted (very short). There were 45 toddlers who suffered stunting in kelurahan kapuas kanan hulu sintang regency in 2018.. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants of stunting in children under five in kapuas kanan hulu kelurahan, sintang district. It was a quantitative study with a case control approach. The population in this study were 438 toddler mothers with a sample of 44 toddler mothers. The data were collected through a questionnaire-based interview. The present research found out that statistically there was a relationship between stunting events and the knowledge (p = 0.010), the attitude (p = 0.010), the practice (p = 0.019), the education (p = 0.019), the work (p = 0.009), and the family income (p = 0.049). It is recommended that the district health office and sungai durian community health centre intervene with health promotion programs to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and practices (actions) and work together with related institutions to improve family income. More 2020
31 The Relationship THE RELATIONSHIP OF FAT INTAKE, SALT INTAKE AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS WITH THE BLOOD PRESSURE OF PEOPLE WITH HYPERTENSION IN UPT. PUSKESMAS SINGKAWANG TIMUR I Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Yulia Farahdini Haska Hypertension is often called a silent killer. This study aimed to analyse the relationship of fat intake, salt intake and nutritional status with the blood pressure of people with hypertension in upt. Puskesmas singkawang timur i. The data were collected by accidental sampling with data measuring instruments by using a questionnaire and food recalls form. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the respondents with high fat intake had high blood pressure were 57 people (78.1%); the respondents with low salt intake had high blood pressure were 33 people (54.8%); the respondents with normal nutritional status had high blood pressure were 56 people (76.72%), and the respondents with nutritional status obesity had high blood pressure were 17 people (23.28%). The research found out that there was not any correlation between fat intake and blood pressure; and between nutritional status and hypertensive patients blood pressure. But, there was a positive correlation between salt intake and blood pressure in the upt. Puskesmas singkawang timur i. More 2020
32 APPLYING THE DEMONSTRATION METHOD TO IMPROVE SKILLS OF DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT ASSEMBLY Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Siti Nurjanna Ateacher must be able to involveherstudents to find the materialsthat theyare studyingit mayencourage thestudents to apply the materialsintheir daily lives. The problemfaced by the studentsofsmk-smti pontianak concerned the misconceptions in the assembly of distillation equipment. They also got confusedwhen installing condenser hoses for the line and the direction of cooling water. It was identified that when doing their practicum, the students only read the work instruction on the jobsheet withoutanydemonstration. To overcome theproblem, the teacher needs toapplythe demonstration method. This research aimedtoinvestigate whether the demonstration method could improvethe students skill indistillation equipment assembly. It wasa classroom action research(car)that consistedof 2 cycles. The research subjects were 16studentsgrouped inxif. The technique and the instrument of the data collection were an observationtechniqueand test respectively. The data were analysed qualitatively. It is found out thatthe demonstration methodimproved the students skills inassemblingthedistillation equipment. The skill improved 18.75% from75% in cycle ito 93.75% incycle ii; or the averagescore increased 9, that is, of from 76 inthe firstcycle to 85 inthe secondcyclein conclusion, the application of demonstration method improvedthe studentsskillsof distillation equipmentassembly. More 2020
33 UTILIZING GOOGLE CLASSROOM AS AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIUM IN THE MIDDLE OF IMPACT CORONA VIRUS DIESEAS 19 FOR TEACHERS Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Fauzan Asrin Fauzan Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Barat The corona virus diseas 19 (covid 19) pandemic has become a global health problem today. Almost the whole world feels the effects of this deadly disease, either in the economic, governmental, and educational sectors. The republic of indonesia has endeavored to invite all educational institutions starting from the elementary schools to the tertiary education to study at home. It is deemed the appropriate government policy at this time to make the students always active with online education services. The aim is to break the chain of massive spread of the corona virus in the education areas. One solution for online learning at home is using google classroom as an interactive learning media. It makes the teachers and students easy to do the teaching and learning process through the use of information and communication technology. Google classroom is currently so effective and efficient in space and time, that the teachers can provide the students with online-based teaching materials, ether in texts, images, audios, or videos. Such teaching materials enable the students to repeat the teaching materials distributed by the teacher continuously. More 2020
34 SOUTH SUMATERA LEADING SECTOR USING THE LOCATION QUOTIENT AND SHIFT-SHARE MODEL APPROACH Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik hendrixon hatta Every regional government in indonesia has increased its economic competitiveness. The regional government of south sumatra province attempts to increase the value of gross regional domestic product (grdp) in each business sector and fiscal year so that it can prioritize the sector to achieve the economic improvement target. In this study, the the primary leading sectors will be ranked as a policy input to the the government of south sumatra province. Leading sectors must be developed in south sumatra to support each regional organizations program. The government policy of south sumatra which is included in the activity programs of the regional apparatus organizations attempts to support and develop the primary leading sectors, namely, the mining and quarrying industry and the secondary sectors are the real estates and the tertiary sectors such as providing accommodation and food as well as drink that were selected in this study because it contributed to the growth significantly. More 2020
35 CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPING POPULATION DATA HOUSES IN SIDOARJO REGENCY Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Munari Kustanto Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo Population data plays an important role to succeed in the development regencies, including in sidoarjo regency. The valid and accountable population data is an absolute requirement that development policies are right on target, ranging from providing assistance to setting targets and development programs. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this study aims to evaluate the condition of the population data house (rumah dataku) in sidoarjo regency as well as to identify the challenges of its development, both internal and external. The results showed that of the 353 villages in the sidoarjo regency, there were only 42 villages / kelurahan (11.90%) having a kb (family planning) village. Of this number, not all of them had a dataku house. There were only three kb villages (7%) that had dataku houses. Viewed from the aspect of availability, presentation and updating of existing data, the kb villages and dataku houses in sidoarjo regency have not shown good performance. The internal and external challenges faced in developing dataku houses in sidoarjo regency included the budget constraints, limited resources (human resources and supporting infrastructure), lack of coordination, and lack of community understanding and participation. The sidoarjo regency government may overcome these challenges through organizing a kb village competition and a thematic community service program, making an application for the dataku house, increasing the role of the kb village working group, and training for kb management and extension workers. More 2020
36 THE INFLUENCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FINE ON TAX-ABIDING BEHAVIOR Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik sabinus sabinus The present research was conducted to the motor taxpayers in Bengkayang Regency. The research was conducted due to the considerable tax delinquence data in West Kalimantan, which amounted to 920 billion rupiahs that affected the potential for the original revenue of West Kalimantan Province. It needs attention of all stakeholders not to continue. It can affect the provincial original revenue (PAD) of West Kalimantan. The research aimed to determine the government efforts in improving the realization of payment of motor vehicle taxes and to investigate the extent to which fines affected tax-abiding behavior. The benefits of this research were to provide recommendations how to formulate, evaluate and create tax-abiding automobile vehicles. The present research was quantitative The instruments were lists of interviews and questionnaire. The results showed that the need of administrative sanctions (fines) delayed the payment of motor vehicle taxes. The payment of the fine must not imposed on the running year it must be paid on the following year. Another finding was that there must be an innovation system notification/Notification of the Samsat/Bapenda online to the taxpayer through a direct billing. More 2020
37 THE IMPROVEMENT OF ACIDITY QUALITY (pH) IN WATER SOURCE FOR THE MINERAL WATER INDUSTRY WITH FILTRATION METHOD Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Sukma Ariyani, Asmawit, Pramono Utomo Baristand Industri Pontianak, Heru Cahyanto Baristand Industri Pontianak Good quality water is a necessity for living things for their survival. Mineral water sources for industry raw materials include groundwater and surface water. The quality of the ground water taken from Anjongan Subdistrict, Mempawah District, West Kalimantan, which was used as a water source did not meet the acidity value requirement (pH) following the Health Ministerial Regulation No. 416 / MENKES / IX / 1990 as tested by one of mineral water companies in West Kalimantan as required by SPPT SNI . The purpose of this study was to increase the pH value of source water so that it is suitable for use as raw water. Three types of filter material, namely, quartz sand, manganese sand, and activated carbon, were used to increase the pH value. The results showed that the water that was filtered using activated carbon increased the pH value by increasing the percentage of 18.7%, increasing the pH from 5.68 to 6.74 so that it met the quality standard (pH 6.5-9); while filtering with sand manganese and quartz sand, the result of the increase in pH did not meet the standards. Local governments could offer solutions to improve the quality of raw water acidity to other companies with the same obstacles in the company. More 2020
38 The DEVELOPING PROBLEMSOLVING-BASED TEACHING BOOK TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OUTCOME OF YEAR-3 STUDENTS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Nelly Wedyawati The present research aimed to describe the stages of developing science textbooks based on problem solving methods to improve students’ learning outcomes. Data collection were questionnaires (expert assessment), teacher questionnaires, student questionnaires, learning achievement tests, and documentation. The data analysis covered the research preparation data, the expert assessment data, the teacher response data, the students’ response data, and the learning outcomes. The media validation score on the product was 80.33 and the material validation score was 89.25, the product was declared eligible to be applied. Student learning outcomes improved, the score on the limited scale try-out was 100, the score on the wide scale try-out each was 100. The conclusion of this study is the development of science textbooks based on problem solving method to improve the learning outcomes of Year-3 students elementary schools declared feasible, effectively improved learning outcomes, and accepted by book users. Research recommendation is that this developed book based onproblem solving method be published. More 2020
39 English EATING PATTERN AND OBESITY CORRELATION OF HEALTH WORKERS IN PUSKESMAS Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik ismael saleh The prevalence of obesity is increasing both globally and nationally from year to year. It was supported by the results of a preliminary study that showed 38% of health workers in a health center were obese. The main factor of obesity was caused by unbalanced eating patterns, energy consumption, carbohydrates, fat and lack of physical activity. The study aimed to determine the factors of eating patterns associated with the incidence of obesity in health workers in the primary health center. The research design was Cross Sectional. The population in this study was 55 people. The samples were selected by purposive sampling they numbered 47 people. The results showed that the diet associated with obesity of puskesmas workers included more energy consumption (p = 0,000), consumption of more carbohydrates (p = 0.004), consumption of more fat (p = 0,000), insufficient of sleep (p = 0,000) and history genetic (p = 0.011). Unrelated variables were rush eating behavior (p = 0.707), sleep after eating (p = 0.870). Related to the results of this study, the puskesmas need to make consumption change behavior program for the health workers through education and nutrition counseling and to increase physical activity to health workers regulary. More 2020
40 THE LEVEL OF STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING ON NAIK DANGO CULTURE OF DAYAK KANAYANT SOCIETY Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik Yosua Damas Sadewo Sadewo, Pebria Dheni Purnasari, Sabinus Beni The purpose of this study is to describe the understanding of STIM Shanti Bhuana students on Naik Dango Traditional Ceremony. This study applied a qualitative descriptive method. The result showed that the students understood Naik Dango well. Their understanding was perceived from the 3 indicators. They were the meaning of Naik Dango; the implementation of Naik Dango; and the functions of Naik Dango. Most respondents were aware that this traditional ceremony was an expression of gratitudes for the rice harvest to God. Besides, the implementation of Naik Dango Traditional Ceremony was an event to show the development various traditional arts. This event was not only an expression of gratitudes to God but also an attempt to strengthen the relationship among the communities. More 2020
41 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORK CLIMATE AND FATIGUE OF THE LABOUR AT PT. SHINAM JAYA ABADI IN WAJOK HULU OF MEMPAWAH REGENCY Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik muhammad fahmi fahmi Hot work climate may affect the conditions of workers that potentially reduce work productivity and efficiency. Based on an examination conducted by the pontianak hyperkes service unit, there was a company that had a working climate above the nav, namely pt. Shinam jaya abadi. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between temperature, humidity, and wind speed with fatigue in the workforce at pt. Shinam jaya abadi, wajok hulu village, pontianak regency. This present research was a quantitative study with 97 samples. It applied proportional random sampling. The data collecting techniques were measurement, interview and observation. The instruments were the august psychometer, anemometer and globe thermometer, questionnaires and check list sheets. The data were analysed using the chi square statistical test. The research found out that there was a relationship of temperature (p = 0.009) with air humidity (p = 0.010), and there was no relationship of wind speed (p = 0.134) with fatigue in the workforce at pt. Shinam jaya abadi, wajok hulu village, mempawah district. The company was recommended to control the work climate that passed through nab and to provide drinking water that has been given salt 0.2% gram / liter, it added ventilation, regulated the length of work and rest periods. The workers needed to carry out routine checks before work, and to use apd. More 2020

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